Pregnancy and Delivery Date Calculator

Every pregnant woman wants to know the date of her baby’s delivery. And a delivery date calculator helps us calculate the number of weeks that have passed and the remaining time. We also get to know when we will reach the end of our wait. Motherhood India’s pregnancy and delivery date calculator makes it all possible.

As the first step to becoming a mother, the first big event is a woman’s pregnancy. Partnering with Motherhood India, we created a calculator which displays the expected due date and the conception date. This helps women quickly calculate the due date and keeps track of all the dos and don’ts they must follow during pregnancy.

What is Pregnancy and Delivery Date Calculator?

The pregnancy and Delivery Date Calculator is a tool that helps expectant mothers evaluate the date of their child’s birth. It is calculated using the first day of the woman’s recent menstrual period and the average length of her menstrual cycle. The calculator only provides an estimate, and the actual delivery date may differ. Also, it is based on the average length of a pregnancy, which is about 40 weeks.

The various methods of calculating the delivery date of your little one’s arrival are-

There are a few different ways to calculate the delivery date of your little one’s arrival. One way is to count from the first day of your last period. However, this method is not always accurate, as every woman’s cycle is different. Another way to calculate the delivery date is to do an ultrasound. This is usually done around the 20th week of pregnancy and is the most accurate method.

The prominent methods of calculation incorporated at Motherhood India are outlined below.


Ultrasound is a standard method used to estimate the delivery date of a baby. This non-invasive procedure uses sound waves to create an image of the baby in the womb. Calculating the delivery date in this method is based on the size of the baby and its growth. Overall, it is a safe and painless procedure typically performed during the second trimester of pregnancy.

The Manual Way

For an exact result, this method requires the accurate date of the previous period. You must enter the first day of the most recent period as well as the length of the cycle, and this will give you an expected delivery date.

Date of IVF Transmission

One way to calculate the delivery date when using IVF is to count from the date of IVF transmission. This is the date on which the fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus. Because the average IVF pregnancy lasts approximately 38 weeks, you can calculate the delivery date by adding 38 weeks to the date of IVF transmission. This is yet another alternative for those who have had difficulty conceiving normally.

IVF does not always work, and you must go for multiple treatment rounds. The success rate of IVF is determined by several factors, including the woman’s age, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the eggs and sperm.

Due Date Calculator

Use our due date calculator to know the expected date when your bundle of joy will be arriving on your lap. Simply go to our pregnancy calculator and enter the necessary information. And your result will be displayed.


Motherhood India Hospital’s pregnancy and delivery date calculator can assist you in identifying the almost precise date for your delivery. We make you feel more at ease by using various methods and techniques to calculate your delivery date, so you can be confident and prepared for the big day.

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