Early Pregnancy Scan (Ultrasound Scans) in Bangalore

“Feeling fat lasts nine months, but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever.”- said Nikki Dalton.

When you miss out on the menstrual period, the alarm bell rings for you, followed by a few consultations with older women and your friends who are already mothers. Based on their advice, you undertake a home pregnancy test leading to a positive result. Congratulations, you are pregnant. However, please visit your gynecologist to get it doubly verified. You may require to undergo the Fetal Viability scan – a test is usually performed between the 7th and 12th week of pregnancy to get the ultimate confirmation and the good news that you are well on your way to motherhood. Motherhood Women and Children’s Hospital is the best bet for getting your early Pregnancy scans (Ultrasound Scans) in Bangalore.

  • Ultrasound technology is the most scientific and modern method to guide you on pregnancy, mothers’ health, and the baby’s growth process in the womb. NT scan unit ( a type of ultra scan only ) at motherhood hospital only predicts the possibility of a chromosomal imbalance in your unborn child. The Department of Radiology at Motherhood Women and Children’s Hospital offers a full range of imaging and ultrasound services which are 100% safe and comfortable.
  • The hospital conducts a nuchal translucency scan around the 12th week of pregnancy to determine the size of the nuchal fold at the back of the baby’s neck to rule out the possibility or risk of any chromosomal abnormalities. There are other specific types of ultrasound techniques generally used by the doctors and caring staff at Motherhood Women and Children’s Hospital during different stages of pregnancy.
  • An anomaly scan is an ultrasound scan conducted between the 18th and 21st week of pregnancy to examine the baby in the womb and ascertain where the placenta is lying. It also aims to look for significant physical abnormalities in the growing baby. 
  • A growth scan is another type of ultrasound scan done during the last phase of pregnancy to determine the baby’s growth. It can be done once or many times. The first growth scan is done between 28 weeks and 32 weeks of pregnancy to determine the wellbeing. The second growth scan is conducted closer to the due date, between 36 and 40 weeks.

Why Motherhood Women and Children’s Care Hospital ?

The Motherhood Women and Children’s Care Hospital  is a modern hospital that takes care of A to Z of all your pregnancy care ( from prenatal to postnatal). The hospital has a seasoned team of Foetal Medicine experts and gynecologists. Nutritionists, in-house physiotherapists, and experienced nursing staff. The team has handled several cases of high-risk pregnancies, including premature births, in the past with a 100% success rate. The hospital offers professional prenatal care, specialized diet counselling, Lamaze classes, consultations with physiotherapists, timely scans, postnatal care, and 24X7 gynecologist support in house. A 24X7 pharmacy, laboratory, and blood storage capacity, all within the premise, helps us handle any emergencies. For registration, please consult our help desk team, or you can have an online registration by visiting the link @ https://www.motherhoodindia.com/specialties/pregnancy-care/.

Motherhood’s nine divine package is a complete end to end 9-month pregnancy package with pre-delivery to the childbirth and three months after the delivery. It is an excellent solution covering the needs of expecting mothers during and after pregnancy. 

The divine package is a unique birthing program giving would-be mothers comprehensive care. It caters to a range of medical needs of a to–be mother, including delivery.  From consultation to ultrasounds and newborn screening and post-recovery exercises, the package ensures that the journey from pregnancy to playing with your newborn baby is comfortable and filled with convenience and pleasure.

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